We Jayon has a strong research and development team with complementary competencies.


Develop new products and procedures The medical device industry is touched by their voracious demand for quality healthcare. Jayon R&D is committed to develop high quality solutions aims to solve the most pressing healthcare problems in our country and globally at affordable prices. All Jayon's new development process is involved with 5 key component.

Development and Marketing

Whether used to create an innovation, redesign and existing device, or evaluate critical paths and bottlenecks, the successful completion of the complexities of this entire process will help to ensure the timely introduction of new medical technologies.

Among its numerous missions, Jayon R&D team aims to get advice and technological guidance from our KOL (key opinion leaders).

Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs)

Jayon R&D is supported with KOLs from the country and abroad, our KOLs are leading and innovative surgeons from the industry.

Our powerful KOLs provide their caliber to us for developing new products, provide product development feedback, speaking at conferences and events about our new products, conducting clinical studies and acting as our clinical advisors.

Associations and collaborations

We Jayon R&D is committed embrace more inclusive innovation models, collaborate and associate more frequently with a broader range of partners, pursue greater integration with suppliers, development partners and healthcare providers.

Jayon R&D is associated with numerous health care research institutions, engineering colleges (including IITs and other major engineering colleges) in India abroad.

Jayon R&D team are always thinking ahead to innovate. Each stage of the development process, from concept to delivery consistently looks to make devices to meet surgeon Friendly products, looking to improve patient outcomes.